Could it be, would it be too daring to wonder? Perhaps. Perhaps no. They have a light of their own. They shine out at the world, engaging, intoxicating like diamonds in the sun, filling dark places and drowning noisy spaces. Drink them in, let moments flutter by, flowing and melting til the world returns and the sirens crash in on you. Is there something else? Has it derived from simple wonderment, fooling the mind to think something else? This sense or notion of growling yellow hiding behind those crazy diamonds, patiently waiting, stalking, ready to delicately devour a hapless and happy soul. Crumbling walls, tearing the faithful asunder, testing the limits of real. But still they beg and plead, stifle words and quicken the pulse, shine and growl. My oh my, how a pair of eyes can fool you, test you.
I found a friend on a cool dark night …
Like shedding skin on the hard wooden floor, this mind moves from place to place and group to person injecting joy and contentment. Here we have a mind that yerns to delve into the complexity of personality, a mind that is bored by reality and fantasises at the thought of a deeper meaning behind a look, a laugh a comment… but while this mind is looking and sometimes probing for the subliminal it overpasses the raw objectiveness that often holds the really and its true implications. A person that surrounds this sometimes over analytic mind is of nothing less than a pure kindness and the type friend who you just have to have at least once in a lifetime, otherwise god has cheated you!
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