"You two were very very well suited," says Mother, and not for the first time. You can almost feel the dissapointment hanging in the air. The seasons come and go along with an occasional electronic dialogue. Snippets of life, condensed into twelve point type and blasted along the wires and signals bouncing around the world wide web. Only the most important things conveyed in as few expressions as possible. Important? Perhaps not. What used to be important is no longer permissable. Those nuances and characteristics that made it all worthwile are no longer a talking point. Things are best left unsaid...
Even when there is so much to say, left hanging in space, clanging and banging around the emtpy void. But you know, one day this will all be a laugh. Age and comfort will set in and these little nuances will be lost in the haze as we argue with our children about the use of the car. I can smile at that.
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