Time for a little fun!
Easter is finally upon us. The eggs and chocolates you've seen in the store are almost ripe and ready to be consumed. Bollocks to that. Is you're Christian then easter is the time of Christ's death and ressurection. If you look at old pagan rituals this is the northern hemishpere's festival for the start of spring. So what on earth are we doing? For a start, chocolate has nothing to do with Christ or spring. And second, in Australia, spring starts in September. My girlfriend said she wants no chocolate for easter this year so I'm thinking of what we can make easter about for us now. Coming into winter perhaps we should place more emphasis on making easter special to each of our own families. We should give each other gifts that will help us throughout the winter and into spring. This time of year quinces, apples and plums are in season. All the autumn fruits. It's time to make preserves from all the summer fruit that's almost rotten to keep for winter. Perhaps a handmade gift you can spread on your toast every morning would better suit an Australian easter. We made christmas different with prawns and cold hams and seafood, so why not easter. Come on Australia!
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