Saturday, July 09, 2005

And the world cried out...

Are we that desperate? I sit and stare in amazement at times at the beautiful things this world has given us. The people, the places, the feelings. It's an amazing gift. We should cherish every moment we are alive. Bad things happen to people. God knows I've had my share of dismal tidings, but I'm still grateful to be alive and to have the things I have. No I think I've done some regretful things, we all have. But there are some things I just won't do and I hate to think of what drives a person to think these things are ok. When does one forget to ask themselves that question, "If it were me..." I ask myself that regularly. I try to stay opened minded and view every option. A friend of mine recently had the misfortune to encounter one these people who forgot to ask themselves what it would be like if shoe were on the other foot and it scares me to think that there are people like this out there. Remember to ask the question.


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