I watch those crime dramas on tv occasionally, and if it's accurately describing real life, then just about anything an be construed as evidence. It's no wonder we are all a little guarded in this day and age. We never really show our whole selves to any one person. We do little things we wouldn't noramlly to save face or an argument. We want to protect our way of life and everyone in it, so we tend to keep things inside. We act one way at work and another at home. We only show what we want peole to see for fear of reprisal. But occasionally something happens, and all that goes out the window. The dam breaks and all your insides flow out onto the floor for scrutiny. You feel a little vulnerable, yet you happily persist, gently careening out control like a car with no brakes on a winding mountain road expecting at any point to smash into another car or the barriers. Eventually you steer off the edge and plunge merrily into the abyss and fall forever, your insides spreading out around you like wings to help you fly.
Have you seen "Bowling for Columbine". Michael Moore comments on the media's fear tactics. It's all over-rated.
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