The whole world seems to melt away, staring into those eyes. Stillness creeps in all around, the night seeming calmer, quieter, more surreal. It's like being lost in a green sea, slowly drowning, slipping away into oblivion, never to return. Was it always this way? Can it go on forever? Strange and unwlecome reality sets in eventually. Questions, judgements, assumptions settle over bones like a thick ugly life vest, relentlessly keeping you afloat in that deep green sea. Making waves that wash over you, smashing against your skull til you can longer take it and swim to shore, dragging heavy limbs over the cold wet sand. The sky is ever so blue, the wind so cool, the sun so hot, unforgiving eyes cold on your back wishing and willing you to leave, different yet the same but a little more hollow. Did you say, "No this can't happen to me." Or are the actions of others so predictable. Do you believe you can be judged because you don't fit the mould? The ugly world of the disriminatory individual comes crashing down around your ears, just because. And there is no other reasonable explanation.