I remember walking down the cold corridor feeling empty thinking to myself,
"That's it. The end of an idea." I remember standing on the front porch in the cold waving and thinking,
"That's it. The end of a story." I remember sitting on the back step and knowing what was about to be said and thinking,
"That's it. The end of my salvation." Each time, and there have been others, it left me with a hollow feeling of not knowing what to do with myself. Each left an imprint that will last with me a long time and gently shaped the image of me today. The lines on my face and the aches in my bones. A great many people have left their mark in some way, shape or form. But I never quite realised that I could have an impact too. I never quite thought of myself as shaping people the way other's have shaped me. Until now. Sometimes it's the little things we share about ourselves that have an impact, or the little things we do or don't do. And yet, it doesn't feel quite right. I did nothing more than be myself and someone managed to find
inspiration from it. It's very humbling to say the least. And for all my efforts in my life at work and at home, I feel a little cheated that it took for me to just enjoy myself to make a difference in someone's life. I just let myself be swept away in the current and enjoyed every second. It felt like I floated on the surface of a calm, warm ocean with the breeze gently caressing my face and a cyclone swarming around me trying to pound me back to the real world. And when the storm finally caught me, I felt like I'd lingered too long, dry land wasn't quite the same and I miss the gentle breeze on my face. But I'll always remember my time in the sun. For this I am grateful and serve
no regrets.